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Sizing the Prize: PwC’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study: Exploiting the AI Revolution

What’s the real value of AI for your business and how can you capitalise?


  • Artificial intelligence (AI) can transform the productivity and GDP potential of the global economy. Strategic investment in different types of AI technology is needed to make that happen.
  • Labour productivity improvements will drive initial GDP gains as firms seek to “augment” the productivity of their labour force with AI technologies and to automate some tasks and roles.
  • Our research also shows that 45% of total economic gains by 2030 will come from product enhancements, stimulating consumer demand. This is because AI will drive greater product variety, with increased personalisation, attractiveness and affordability over time.
  • The greatest economic gains from AI will be in China (26% boost to GDP in 2030) and North America (14.5% boost), equivalent to a total of $10.7 trillion and accounting for almost 70% of the global economic impact.

“$15.7 trillion game changer”


Explore the global results further using our interactive data tool or see which of your products and services will provide the greatest opportunity for AI. You can also download our report to get a more detailed analysis and commentary on the positive economic outcomes.


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